Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Importance of word

By Sandeep Datta

A word is a medium to express something which needs to be shared with others as closely as it could be felt like happening at that moment .To get this word which could have the power of making others feel the once experienced thing taking place again, requires years of toiling about it.

And every writer  who is deeply concerned about his style and subtlety undergoes this exciting subjection of  explorations quite daringly and proudly. 

Undoubtedly, day by day, he excells in his style of expressions only because of these days of trials of paitence. And , at some stage of life he recalls these days of divinely  labour as his real days of devotion to the great art of creative expressions. For ,because of  these devotedly lived years of his life he derives respect even from best of intellectual circles.

Hardly ever his excruciating pains are mentioned by someone, but, the fascinating results of them always bring applaudig times to his life.

And, who knows when he succeeds in expressing a soulful experience qualifying to its real feel, may be he might be remembered for ages by the genres to come.

Because these words are those vital tools which help in bringing glow and impact to one’s expression of perspective while conveying them to others.But this entire odyssey of lifetime is travelled only on Words.

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