Sunday, September 02, 2018


Our world of #FB or #twitter is a great platform. But only if we keep it limited to -- a medium to connect or reconnect with new and old friends. Perhaps, this is what most of us wished to. It emerged as a 'what's happening' sort of platform in our lives.

Many of us perhaps have forgotten that it actually offers a bigger space to open up about tastes and perspectives at length and share it with rest of the world.

Be it #Facebook or #Twitter, it has brought to us a great opportunity to enjoy beyond telephone talks and openly letting the world know what we feel and how we celebrate our lives.

But what have me made of it? A place to argue and fight over issues. Or simply become tools of others' marketing strategies to instigate to us to fight with our own loved ones over politics or other stupid things?

Today, like news of private news channel, it looks scary at times. Politicians keep enjoying their world together just after making some provocative statements or exchanging barbs with political rivals and many of us just forget it's their profession. It's their game to survive and remain meaningful.

And, we are creating a world of irritation around us. Many of our friends, who never knew what we thought about some provocative or highly sensitive issues, are forming opinions about us. They are forming opinions based on what we share or the one liners we write on social media 'just for fun'.

But why? Why are we just going so casual about our social image? Why are we writing what we have been writing for long on avoidable and provocative issues? Why are we arguing with our close friends and colleagues for no personal issue but in stupid debates? Why have we lost interest in calling up friends or inviting them over a cup of tea? Why have we turned so ignorant about the joy of gossips and sharing laughter face to face in our lives? Why are we forgetting to celebrate life like once we used to?

What's you opinion? I would like know it by heart. Share it with me and rest of the world.