The letter which changed my life as an amateur writer
(This letter was written by Jordan Thornton, whose encouraging words lifted my dejected spirits and saved me after having developed a suicidal thought)
Thursday, 13 December, 2007, 1:52 AM
Jordan Thornton <> wrote:
I read your article "The Writer's Strugle" on IndyMedia, and tried to post a comment, but probably due to the new format, the comment didn't go through.I thought the piece was excellent, and probably good therapy for the frustration it sounds like you've been feeling. Don't worry, we've all been there.As an aspiring screenwriter, I got ahead of myself when I first started, and my friends called me on it. I'm not saying that I won't succeed, but when I went on about my lofty dreams, when I had barely written a thing, my firends were the first to point this out.At the time, I took their words to be uncalled-for insult, but now look at it from a different perspective.First of all, they are not writers, so they don't understand what drives me, nor the fact that I live in my own head a large amount of the time, and
thus, didn't understand how damaging their words were. Also, many of them made comments without the knowledge that others had as well. They didn't understand that I was being inundated with Doubt. However, I learned from that, and now, before tossing criticism and insult aside off-hand, I analyse it to see if there is some truth to what they say, and try to learn from it and use it.This does not account for all criticism. To be completely honest, I think some people are motvated by Envy. They don't understand the possibilities, nor the passion which drives us, so they ridicule instead, because they seem threatened by what we have that they don't.In the months leading up to the illegal war of aggression for profit against Iraq, I pushed my scripts aside, and devoted nearly all my attention on political writing, producing articles for websites and magazines throughout the world. This was a great experience, but set me back as far as my sceenplays are concerned.When the war started, I felt defeated, and simply did not write for months. After this, I found it really hard to get restarted. A website I visited helped get me fired up, and it might help you, and give you the support you need. It's and features articles, resources, and best of all for me, experienced writers who can answer questions, give advice, or just offer some friendly words of encouragement.When I needed it most, one of the people commenting on the site reminded me that it's alright to write a crappy first draft. It was the slap in the face I needed, and got me back on my feet.If you can find one, I would also recommend joining a writers group, or starting one if you know some other aspiring authors. Immersing yourself in a writing community helps to get the creative juices flowing, and will do
great things to counteract those criticising or ridiculing voices.Also, don't focus too much on future success. Write because you love the craft, but with the knowledge that everything you write gets you one step closer to becoming the person you wish to be. If you write with passion, because of a love of words and expressing yourself, success will eventually find you.Remember the words of John Lennon "The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make". In other words, your success is completely dependent on the amount of work you are willing to put in.You will go as far as you allow and drive yourself to.Aside from that, write, read lots, and keep your head up.And if you ever get stuck, or just need somone to talk to, please do not hesitate to contact me.I wish you all the best of luck!Jordan ThorntonCanada, EH?PS - (Political plug) If you haven't yet read it, I urge you to read "Strengthing America's Defenses" at - This will put the enire "War On Terror" into perspective for you, and show you just how threatened we all are as human beings. (And if you want a real scare, check out "The National Security Strategy Of the US of A" at - The ag
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