In Introspective mood.....
Who am I? Am I what I sound to others or the way I lead my everyday life? Do I really speak what I wish to convey or just what I want others to react to and reveal themselves before a storywriter’s observing mind.
I must Remember….. The Power of our body lies in the Power of MIND.
We become what we habitually thinketh…..
I have always believed in the value of realising the worth of consistently thinking good or positive in life. If I feel strong and capable of doing anything, I develop the guts to do it splendidly. And, I lose whenever and whatever I fear may take place. Hence, I have always trusted my intuition.
I have always excelled in those things that required consistent practice or hard work carried on for a long time. Taking journalism as a career was perhaps result of this belief. I want to stay ahead of almost every rival in terms of skills or knowledge.
I am passionate about improving myself in whatever task I get. I drive inspiration from the fact that each one of us is consistently improving in one way or the other and accomplishing some degree of success, no matter if take note of it or not.
I have observed that I require to believe in step-by-step approach in life for efficient use of my inner strength. I prove most unproductive or non-improving whenever I forget that I have not born to die an ordinary man’s death. I have to develop genuine reasons to claim high pedestal in life.
May be taking up so many things or people in a relatively less organised and over focussed way, takes away much of my hard-stored energy out of me. I need to focus on useful things and people to lead a purposeful life.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become,” said Buddha.
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I get most joy in life out of music,” said Albert Einstein.
Original self: Being a person with killng instinct and having adorned roles of a top class champion of so many sports, businessman, designer, painter, salesexecutive, communicator, short story writer, journalist, and above all a people's man should always remind me in seclusion that I can be anyone but a person with ordinary Potential at any given stage.
My strengths have been my strategic mind, self motivated (self energized) personality, improving on the nuances, a committed mind-set, strikingly correct action plans, working for the edge in spare moments, channelising my mindset for bigger, better and tough challenges/competitions/rivals, intelligence to observe, motivate and channelise hard nuts to high-headed maniacs, and enjoying difficult situations carrying a sportsperson’s smile on my face and being mentally prepared for the ultimate.
I value everyone as long as he or she does not confront my beliefs. If needed, I can compromise anyone's association and anything for my Principles. I don't care if someone leaves me. He, the almighty, has blessed me the qualities to develop relations anytime, anywhere in abundance. I believe the individuals who who have been with me for some time and understand me actually they know that at heart how much I care and feel affectionate for them at ANY COST. My 2008 resolution was : Not to take anyone' even a slightest offending remark and return it forcefully with the same fervour. But at the same time ensure that not a single person is waisted even for anything/anybody I love.
I have always prepared myself to take out best of myself while spreading hope for the dejected individuals.
I cannot forget: I have suffered a lot of humiliation in childhood being the smallest, frail, and hopeless child. I cannot forget when I was branded "incapable to write even a two paragrah letter" and "black spot on family's reputation due to my failure in twelfth standard". I cannot forget the betrayal by my elder brother and ouster from our multi-crore textile business after four years of my young life. I cannot forget that I was not allowed to study and how tough it was to educate myself with borrowings from friends.I owe my everthing to my friends' support and mother's belief in me.To me, loyalty to nation and care for humanity are more important than anything till date. For me, friends hold more importance than the people I love. For friends' association shaped my personality, the people I love found it in me readymade. I believe in valuing old relation more than the new.
For making what I am today despite everthing, I deserve to take pride in what I am today. I must enjoy every moment that I put in as harsh/brutal attempt to achieve my big goal.
My intution suggests me my life is for a bigger cause. I have been gifted a talent to connect and convey things is the quality I need to sharpen everyday and every time. Be it any situation the self-belief to perform to my best of overall abilities and take on anything/anybody with a sporting smile should instill confidence in me.
Sex weakens us in daily life but helps to reduce stress. It could be a weakness, if not controlled. It could be a great strength when used with hard restrain or self-control. I refuse to bow to amorous desires of the body. For, I am born not to lead a life like any ordinary man arrived on earth. I am resolute to make a distinguish man of myself with my work and intelligence following my mind and intuition (read soul).
Girls are nice companions and have enabled me to take a pause and celebrate the moments I missed to celebrate during hard time to their fullest joy. Their company has surprised me to believe that they are much deeper and meaningful than usually understood or described in the patriachal world.
Though it sounds so stupid of those who think I NEED them, especially the selfish ones who try be oversmart with me. But I never thought I could be so lucky to have some of the finest females, irrespective of age or profession, surprising with their supportive and delightful associations. Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala gave me the most trustworth and finest friends whom I value more than myself.
Roopa Srinivasan, my teacher for spoken English and an expert on personality development in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, is one of the biggest delights of my life till date. She held me by finger and enabled me to enter media world. And, Dale Carnegie was the writer who enabled me to deal with people and provoke them to come up with their best.
The Ishq film dialogue “Bus, Train aur Larki….ek choro dus aur aati hain” helped me a lot, in a way, after my college days to not run after any girl in young life and come out of an immature longing for someone . But my personal experience with the passage of time taught me that I must take all pains to save even one good soul parting away from me regarless of gender.
It is interesting to find the males who looked so sincere before becoming professionals as my friends, a majority of them are proving a major disappointment. Though girls, whom I always looked upon as someone from an alien world, are proving ulitmate trustworthy and selfless companions despite their personal commitments to their hubbies.
But I still maintain that most of the women's words/complaints/suggestions/ descriptions of truth should never be taken on its face value. Most of the time they involve personal feelings or fabrications or addition to the core news. Their version of truth, particularly during quarrels or problem, should be weighed thoughtfully.
Evaluating people : I believe my originality shows in my conduct with others and not what I write. People are free to form opinions. I retaliate to others' conduct several times in propotion with me whether it is in postive or negative terms . And, The one threatening to leave, my first reaction is 'least bothered'. But the one I value the most are the ones standing by me in tough times despite everthing. Fortunately, just four individuals behaved like that since childhood out of about 450 friends till date.
To me, my harsh principles, especially regarding abstinence, are for just to live a controlled and focused life. It should not be imposed on others. Everyone has just one life, if they are with us I must watch how they celebrate it.
I will prefer a death for a cause or courtesy.